
Dental Implants in Houston

Replace Your Teeth with Natural-Looking, Strong, FDA-Approved Dental Implants

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Memorial Park Dental Spa Special Pricing

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Restoration must be performed by Memorial Park Dental Spa for offer to be valid.

*All parts are FDA approved.


Details: *price is per surgical implant


Are Missing Teeth Hurting Your Confidence?  Talk To Us about Dental Implants.

Your jaw may contract to make up for the space left by one or more missing natural teeth. The rest of your teeth nearby may all shift as a result of this. A shrinking jaw can be painful and uncomfortable, and it creates the appearance of premature aging. Talking, eating, and drinking can all make that pain and suffering worse. Getting tooth implants will slow down and even stop the shrinking process and appearance. If you’re looking for the best deal on dental implants in Houston, Texas, the decision is obvious. Make an appointment at Memorial Park Dental Spa right once to avoid letting lost teeth influence your life.

To take advantage of our affordable dental implants, individuals from all across Texas travel to our facility. Please be aware that there can be an extra fee for patients who require extractions and grafts, which will be decided at the time of the exam.

Houston’s Top Dental Implant Periodontists

While routine brushing, flossing, and checkups help many of us preserve our natural smiles for a lifetime, occasionally our teeth can’t keep up with the longer lifespans that people are experiencing. Dental implants can restore your smile and oral health if you’ve lost a tooth (or several teeth) as a result of trauma or illness.

A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth root that is surgically inserted into the jawbone and has the appearance of a post. The “root” is often constructed of titanium, a metal that pairs well with human bone and is commonly used in replacement hips and knees. Then, the post is secured with a replacement tooth. The tooth has two attachment options: fixed or moveable. Permanent teeth feel more sturdy and natural-looking.

The best candidate for implants is a non-smoker with excellent oral health, having enough jawbone and gums that are free of gum disease.

Single or Multiple Dental Implants

Implants have several uses. One implant and one replacement tooth will suffice if you are just missing one tooth. A permanent bridge (a pair of replacement teeth) can be supported by a few carefully placed implants if you are missing numerous teeth in a row. Similar to this, a full bridge or full denture can be implanted permanently in your mouth with a calculated number of implants if you have lost all of your teeth.

Advantages Compared to Dentures or Bridges

Traditional bridges and dentures might be unstable because they are not anchored to the bone. This may make it challenging to confidently eat or smile. With a stronger biting force than natural teeth, implants  feel and appear more natural. Additionally, implants don’t endanger the health of your natural teeth because they don’t directly rely on nearby teeth for support. In actuality, implants often last a lifetime while bridges are only anticipated to last seven to ten years, even less with root canals.

Post-Treatment Care

Think of your dental implants as being identical to natural teeth. They both need the same number of routine checks and the same amount of daily brushing and flossing. Your replacement teeth will last longer if you take better care of them, just like you do with your original teeth.

Our Houston Implant Services

Our implant services include:

Sinus Lift Augmentation:

When the upper back teeth are lost, the sinuses frequently expand. Since the sinus is an air-filled cavity and dental implants need to be surrounded by solid bone, this may make it impossible to place them in the upper back portions of the mouth. An operation known as a sinus lift augmentation/graft replaces the lost bone from the enlarged sinus and enlarges the sinus chamber back to its previous size. Before dental implants can be inserted into the new bone graft, it normally needs nine to twelve months to recover.

Autogenous Bone Grafting:

There are times when the preferred locations for dental implants lack enough bone density to support the implants. In these situations, it is frequently essential to “borrow” bone and graft it into the weak area of your mouth from another part of your body. The preferred location is frequently where your wisdom teeth once were, either under the chin or in the back of the jaw.

Implant Site Development:

It is not unusual for the bone around an affected tooth to have been lost when it needs to be extracted due to infection. In certain situations, different kinds of bone grafting can be completed concurrently with the removal of the tooth to make it easier to place a dental implant later on.

Computer-Enhanced Treatment Planning:

The best possible placement of your dental implants is made possible by the use of specialized software on our computer that enables us to examine your dental CT scan in three dimensions for bone quality, bone quantity, and bone location. This enables us to collaborate effectively and efficiently with your restorative dentist to guarantee the best possible outcome for your dental implants.

Implant Maintenance:

After your dental implant treatment is finished, it’s crucial to keep the area clean and free of infections. Plaque and tartar can build up on dental implants just like they can on teeth. Whether you have multiple implants or simply one to replace a single tooth, regular expert cleaning is required to maintain the health of your implants. Your particular needs will dictate how frequently these professional cleanings should be performed.

Dental Implant Periodontists in Houston, TX Dental Implants Near Me – Affordable Dental Implants in Bellaire, TX

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